Tuesday, May 14, 2013

China Hat ISDE, April 27-28, 2013

China Hat ISDE For a little change of pace we went to the China Hat ISDE the weekend of April 27-28. Saturday Mark and I and a couple of friends went out for a warmup ride in the Poker Run. Unfortunately Mark and Robert, the 2 fast guys in the group, wandered off on an extra 20 miles of trail and Mark rolled in on a flat front tire. Turns out this was an omen... Mark, Robert and Zach had an early minute for the ISDE on Sunday and got out of the chute AOK. The first 50 miles look went fine with the TXC310 handling the dry,high speed conditions in style. But the second loop a rear flat attacked, ending Marks day. No Gold Medal this year.

Mark on the left buying a new OHV sticker,
Lonny resting from the hard day of OMRA signup on the right.

Mark tried for some style points on the start..